When you walk between the shelves with products for the dishwasher in the supermarket, you may become dizzy. With all the selection of gels, tabs, rinse aids and salts, it’s difficult to keep track. That is why we help out with a brief overview of the most important products for the dishwasher.

What is a dishwashing gel for and how does it work?

Detergents in the form of a gel are among the most popular products for the dishwasher. The gel itself is nothing more than a combination of a sponge-like tissue and a liquid, in our case the rinsing agent itself. The biggest advantage of the gel is that it is extremely concentrated. For example, our detergent gel is so concentrated that it can handle 25 rinse cycles with just half a liter of the product.

The big unknown: the rinse aid

No shiny dishes without rinse aid: This is how one could summarize the success formula of the rinse aid, which neutralises alkaline residues during the rinsing process. What sounds scientific means that glasses do not form streaks when they are dried and, in addition, the dishwasher is protected because rinse aid prevents also lime deposits.

Why does the dishwasher need salt?

If you feed the search engines on the Internet with this question, you will find a lot of “experts” who advise you to use instead of designated dishwasher salt simple cooking salt. Sure, you can do that, but we do not recommend it. Although both salts contain sodium chloride, dishwasher salt is free of iron and carbonate. And this makes the difference. The dishwasher salt helps to prevent limescale and thus extends the life of the machine.

Dishwasher TABs: One for all

It hardly gets any more practical: Dishwasher tablets are so popular because they combine the functions of dishwashing liquid, salt and rinse aid in one product. However, one can imagine that the combination does not come without any disadvantages. And so it is: The flushing performance is slightly reduced with tabs when compared with flushing with all three products separately. Therefore, you should be particularly careful when filling the dishwasher. This is the only way to prevent plates or glasses from having to be rinsed a second time.

Almacabio products for the dishwasher

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